About this blog

The author looking for new topics (by the sea, looking into the distance).

My name is Nico and I have been writing things on the Internet for over 20 years. Professionally, I do something very similar: I am a senior web developer at a large publishing house in Hamburg.

I started with computers at school, where we initially had Apple IIe on which we played text adventures. We then learned Turbo Pascal on PCs, all before the Internet. When the first modems came along, I built bulletin board systems for small companies and, of course, was busy using FIDO, Maus and Z-Netz. And then came the Internet and the www. During the dot.com bubble I was in a phase of abstinence, but right after it burst I immersed myself fully in the web and especially web programming. I built my first blogs with PHP and Perl, especially after 9/11, and took occasional customer projects. It was an eventful time: browser wars, HTML 3.2, CSS2, XML, RSS, Y2K bug, training to be an IT specialist, XHTML, b2, sunlog, Greymatter, Movable Type, Mozilla Phoenix, WordPress, CSS Zen Garden, Mozilla Firefox, YUI, Prototype, jQuery, responsive web design, HTML5, editorial web design… what fun. I have blogged a lot during this time, but rarely as a properly in-depth technical blog. I’m making up for that here.

The topic will be the holy trinity of web development, i.e. HTML, CSS and Javascript. One of my guilty pleasures is Svelte, and one or two articles will be about that. And of course I collect bookmarks. I now look back on more than 25 years of development experience, which I have decided to fill this blog with. That will probably take a while, we don’t have time. But well, it has to.

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