We are all in hell, or like Alex Russell dropped it: »Once code has left the datacenter, all a web developer can do is send thoughts and prayers.«1 Certainly, there’s a calendar for it: HTML Hell Advent Calendar. On the other hand this CSS Advent Calendar is very nice and good looking. We all love a good web performance so there’s a calendar for that too: the Web Performance Calendar.
If you like challenges: the Advent JS calendar presents you a code challenge every day. The Advent of Code however, delivers code challenges with a command line feeling.
Ici tu trouve un calendrier de l’Avent und hier einen in deutscher Sprache. Or build one yourself from this template?
And with this wonderfully designed Advent Calendar, you’ll get into the real christmas mood.
Update: I just learned about The Advent of Svelte today, which presents 24 svelte themed code challenges.
Infrequently Noted: If Not React, Then What? ↩