(16) I’ve already collected 16 links, so it’s time to point out a few important rules of web development again: JavaScript dos and donts explains once again in detail all the cases where the use of Javascript makes sense.
(17) Speaking of Javascript! Does anyone still use jQuery? Well, yes, this blog, because I use a Classic template for ClassicPress and I haven’t gotten around to cleaning it up yet, but I can’t accept any other excuses: Why jQuery 4 is a good reminder to stop using jQuery.
(18) I like articles like this one: How do HTML event handlers work? It comes across as a beginner’s tutorial, but it deals with one of those topics where many people use something in the heat of the moment without really knowing anything about it.
(19) Just experienced this again in a discussion: should we sanitize HTML on the client side or the server side? Both! Sanitize Client-Side: Why Server-Side HTML Sanitization is Doomed to Fail.
(20) While the discussion about Web Components is still focused on the initial difficulties of use, we have already come a long way and are coming up with things like this: Server-first Web Components with DSD, HTMX, and Islands. We should all take a closer look at at least declarative shadow dom.
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